Q: How much are uniforms?
A: Uniform will be included in the price of registration.
Q: Can I order separate uniform pieces to replace a lost item?
A: Yes, price will be determined by which age group and uniform design.
Q: What equipment does my child need besides the uniform?
A: Your child will need cleats, shin guards, and a soccer ball.
Q: What size soccer ball does my child need?
A: U6 - U8 Size 3
U10 - U12 Size 4
U13+ Size 5
Q: I signed up as an Assistant Coach but the system is not applying a discount for registration. How do I get the discount?
A: The discount will be applied once an Assistant Coach is officially assigned to a team.
Q:When will practices be?
A:Each coach will decide their own practice dates and times
Q: When will I see my child's schedule?
A: Schedules will be posted on the Web-site when they become available. Schedules are usually posted approximately 7-10 days before start of season.